Ecotopia Biketour is a self-organized environmental and social activist bicycle tour that has been cycling through different parts of Europe each summer since 1990. On our way we visit social and environmental projects and groups, to learn about their struggles and visions, to exchange knowledge, to create connections and to support them by participating in actions or doing some physical work. Read more about what the Ecotopia Biketour is.
Ecotopia Biketour 2017 will go through Germany, France and may be to Switzerland and eastern Spain. A more specific route will be announced on the website as soon as it is decided. If you have some recommendations for projects, groups and events for us to visit on the way or would like to help preparing the tour, write to 2017@ecotopiabiketour.net. Read more about Ecotopia Biketour 2017.
Latest blog posts
Get ready for BT 2012 – ‘towards degrowth’

You will be happy to hear that preparations for the 22nd Ecotopia Biketour are now in motion and we would like to invite you to get involved. From July to September, Ecotopia Biketour will cycle from Catalonia to Italy, connecting projects, sharing skills, confronting destructive development and living as an eco-mobile action community. Our theme this year is degrowth and we plan to visit permaculture farms, D.I.Y bike workshops, protest camps, ecovillages, intentional communities, ecological/cycling NGO’s, bicycle events, protests, grassroots projects, and other creative alternatives to the damaging growth mentality of capitalism. As usual, each day we try to live as a self managed community on wheels,…
BT promotion
2012 EVS Biketour International Coordinators needed – Apply Now!
Cerciamo coordinatori locali!
Stiamo cercando volontari per essere coordinatori locali in Italia per l’Ecotopia Biketour 2011! I coordinatori locali saranno resposabili per il percorso, o almeno una parte di esso, in una specifica regione. Stiamo ultimando l’organizazione del Biketour in questi giorni. Quest’anno il tour sarà attraverso l’Italia, qui(link) è disponibile il percorso che abbiamo pianificato. Nonostante organizzare un porgetto del genere sia molto divertente, è comunque un impegno serio. I partecipanti (stimati tra i 20 e i 40), infatti, faranno affidamento su ciò che avrete deciso e stimato in fase di organizzazione. Per maggiorni informazioni sul Biketour, come funziona e dove è…