Ecotopia Biketour is a self-organized environmental and social activist bicycle tour that has been cycling through different parts of Europe each summer since 1990. On our way we visit social and environmental projects and groups, to learn about their struggles and visions, to exchange knowledge, to create connections and to support them by participating in actions or doing some physical work. Read more about what the Ecotopia Biketour is.
Ecotopia Biketour 2017 will go through Germany, France and may be to Switzerland and eastern Spain. A more specific route will be announced on the website as soon as it is decided. If you have some recommendations for projects, groups and events for us to visit on the way or would like to help preparing the tour, write to 2017@ecotopiabiketour.net. Read more about Ecotopia Biketour 2017.
Latest blog posts
Biketour in poetry form :-)
Ecotopia Degrowth 2012 Follow the arrows and arrive to a buzz of energy, Vines to be weeded and a circle under an olive tree, Friendly faces and warm smiles welcome you to the group, Intrigued, wander about the farmhouse to have a better look. A Degrowth workshop to share information together, Sitting in groups discussing in lovely weather, Name games with which to remember everyone, Sign up for a task on the list – they’re lots of fun. Sleep side by side with strangers on the floor, A commune and family you feel you knew before, Close bonds form and…
Ecotopia Biketour visits Biciclot
Video of the first saturday on our tour, when we visited Biciclot. thanks to Daniel Torrico and Xavier Guinot (por el video) and Pere Serrasolses for opening the workshop for us and a presentation on basic bike-mantainance. ECOTOPIA 2012 from daniel torrico.
One paragraph per day…

(soon will try to upload some pictures to this post also) sunday 15 july, we said goodbye to our kind hosts of Can Piella in the morning and followed a nice road to San Pol de Mar, Iago arranged us a place to stay, the Poliesportiu municipal, and in the night we met with a orquestra band from the town and some friends of a known poet Perejaume to talk about comunity living and degrowth while we cooked our first dinner on our rocket stoves at the beach. monday 16 july, we continued following the sea, by a beautiful scenic road, and stoped…
Decreciendo sobre ruedas
Participar en Ecotopia biketour es una formidable aventura personal y colectiva no exenta de múltiples y variados riesgos. Si uno no sabe mantener el sutil equilibrio entre las dos ruedas de su bicicleta podría verse obligado al descanso forzoso durante unos días e incluso a abandonar definitivamente su soñado viaje. El riesgo aumenta cuando uno se hace cargo del entrañable y viejo remolque lleno de utensilios de cocina, avena para el porridge matinal, cereales, frutos secos y verduras varias para las próximas comidas. Esto es lo que le pasó hace unos días a uno de nuestros compañeros cuando descendía por…