Ecotopia Biketour is a self-organized environmental and social activist bicycle tour that has been cycling through different parts of Europe each summer since 1990. On our way we visit social and environmental projects and groups, to learn about their struggles and visions, to exchange knowledge, to create connections and to support them by participating in actions or doing some physical work. Read more about what the Ecotopia Biketour is.
Ecotopia Biketour 2017 will go through Germany, France and may be to Switzerland and eastern Spain. A more specific route will be announced on the website as soon as it is decided. If you have some recommendations for projects, groups and events for us to visit on the way or would like to help preparing the tour, write to 2017@ecotopiabiketour.net. Read more about Ecotopia Biketour 2017.
Latest blog posts
An Introduction to the Zegg – 17th July

A coal-fired power station, a Hitler youth camp and a Stazi centre for international espionage. None of these things could be further from the Zegg – a Centre for Experimental Culture Design based in Bad Belzig in East Germany. It’s difficult to believe in the site’s dark history as Nadia, our guide, walks us through the quiet organic gardens. The peaceful, leafy site has more the feel of a former university campus – with cottages dotted about next to car-free paths, the extravagant canteen and admittedly musty library and seminar centre – a smell typical, Nadia informs us, of former…
Trailer mishap already! – 16th July

Account 1) The cycling day to Bad Belzig was meant to be a straight forward ride along the R1 cycle path, follwing the potsdam lakes and forrest. For some of us it was, including a swim, but for the food crew, they had a broken axel only 10 kms into ther route, so they had to redistribute the food and replace the axel. People ahead then rearranged lunch, and we cycled an extra 8km to a new lunch spot. The afternoon was less stressful, and even more beautiful then the first, as we obviously were leaving the tourist track of…
Following the Berlin wall – 15th July

Account 1) After a few great days in Berlin to get the tour going, we leave at midday – 3 or 4 o’clck in this meditterannean climate. It’s an almost perfect day for pedalling: Sun, heat, but plenty of shade along the road to keep the atmosphere fresh. We follow the Mauerweg, a cycle path which traces the route of the infamous Berlin wall. It is the perfect context given this year’s bike tour theme: ‘Beyond Borders.’ We reach Potsdam without any great difficulty, and in the district of Babelsberg we reach the project we have come to visit. All…
Grenzen im Berliner Umland
Grenzauswirkungen auf die Flora Heute sind wir im Sueden Berlins entlang dem “Mauerweg” gefahren: Jenem Radweg, der mehr oder weniger genau dem alten Mauerverlauf um den politischen Westteil der Stadt folgt. Interessant war der Blick auf die Flora auf jenen Abschnitten, wo der schmale Radweg tatsaechlich auf den Resten der alten Mauer gruendet: Wo mensch rechts und links des Weges bei fluechtigem Hinsehen nur “Wald” oder “Gruen” sieht, ist bei genauerer Betrachtung ein Unterschied bei den Pflanzen sichtbar: Auf einer Seite Linden, auf der anderen Seite Birken. Oder manchmal doch dieselben Baeume, jedoch mit absolut scharf voneinander getrenntem Stammdurchmesser auf…