Biketour in poetry form :-)

Ecotopia Degrowth 2012 Follow the arrows and arrive to a buzz of energy, Vines to be weeded and a circle under an olive tree, Friendly faces and warm smiles welcome you to the group, Intrigued, wander about the farmhouse to have a better look. A Degrowth workshop to share information together, Sitting in groups discussing in lovely weather, Name games with which to remember everyone, Sign up for a task on the list – they’re lots of fun. Sleep side by side with strangers on the floor, A commune and family you feel you knew before, Close bonds form and…

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Decreciendo sobre ruedas

Participar en Ecotopia biketour es una formidable aventura personal y colectiva no exenta de múltiples y variados riesgos. Si uno no sabe mantener el sutil equilibrio entre las dos ruedas de su bicicleta podría verse obligado al descanso forzoso durante unos días e incluso a abandonar definitivamente su soñado viaje. El riesgo aumenta cuando uno se hace cargo del entrañable y viejo remolque lleno de utensilios de cocina, avena para el porridge matinal, cereales, frutos secos y verduras varias para las próximas comidas. Esto es lo que le pasó hace unos días a uno de nuestros compañeros cuando descendía por…

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Beaches, hitchbiking, wild fruit, pledges and police

Beaches As I write this, I’m on a warm sandy beach in Sant Pol de Mar on the Mediterranean coast in the evening. Our group is watching the fireworks dancing above the town. Somebody asked whether they were ‘eco-fireworks’. We thought about it, then gave a small ‘woop’ for the next green one. A firework after our own hearts. As the locals serenaded us with guitars, an oboe, tuba and stunning voices , and gave us beer, I thought, “I could get used to this degrowth lifestyle”. I am also enjoying all of the Spanish accents pronouncing ‘beach’, it makes…

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One month on…

Hello ecotopia biketour friends, João and Alice, our international coordinators, have been in Barcelona for one month already, they have had many incredible adventures and felt like blogging about what they’ve been up to: We have spent the first few weeks mainly trying to get contacts (an endless task) and looking for concrete places and projects to pass by. We have been working out important dates (registration, starting and end dates, big stops) and making a big tasks plan (website, route details, wiki organisation, propaganda, video, etc…). These are all happily up on the wall in Research and Degrowth’s office…

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