Terezin, the Elbe and mountain bars….

Many people said that although it was their hardest day’s cycling through the mountains, up up up up … the free wheeling down again made it all worth it, and was for many their best day’s cycling. The next day was mainly down hill all the way to the Elbe river, that we followed al the way into Usti Nad Labem. On the way one group visited Terezin, a former military forttress where Jews of high status were kept for information during the second world war. Along the Elbe there was still evidence from the recent floodings, and tide marks…

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Snakes in the lakes, Plums in the slums – 21st July

Skinny dipping at sunset  ‘Red next to yellow, kill a fellow. Yellow next to black, venom lack.’ This little serpent is black all over, with no yellow or red. And she quickly slithers past us to a quieter spot. Still I’ve never seen our group of sweaty cyclists so hesitant to plunge into the cool inviting water of a lake at lunchtime! It’s 2 o’clock and outside of the shade of these trees the sun is far too oppressive to do anything, let alone continue the 50 kilometres of mountain cycling ahead. Since crossing the border from Germany to…

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Landesgrenze = Kohlegrenze

Nicht nur sprichwoertlich kann die Landesgrenze von Brandenburg und Sachsen als “Kohlegrenze” gesehen werden, weil das eine Bundesland als reicher gilt, als das andere. Nein, an der “Linealgrenze” aus dem Atlas koennte eine scharfe Klippenwand die Grenze der Braunkohletagebau-Krater markieren, wenn denn wenigestens eines der beiden Bundeslaender gegen die Foerderung waere – was durchaus in ihrer Kompetenz laege. Jedoch erlaesst weder Sachsen, noch Brandenburg einen Stopp gegen den weitraeumigen Abbau der Klimakiller-Substanz, sodass die Landesgrenze wohl auch in Zukunft genausowenig physisch sichtbar sein wird, wie sie es sein koennte, wenn eines der beiden Laender ein Zeichen setzen wuerde. Stattdessen wird diese…

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