Contact & Communication

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Ecotopia Biketour is a collective of people living in many places and being more or less actively involved. Therefore, there are multiple ways of contacting the biketour or communicating with its members:

  • Become a member of the general Biketour Mailing List: sign yourself up on the right >>>>>You will get updates and can send/receive emails on an unmoderated list with over 500 members – so keep your messages short and relevant.
  • Explore our wiki – where there are things you can contribute to this year and a lot of information from previous years. You can add some relevant information there – though bear in mind that it is public and everyone can read it, you may not want to put any personal contact details there.
  • You can contribute to our blog: During the biketour, we will regularly blog. You can also contribute beforehand, if you want to share some interesting thoughts – especially linked to the current year’s theme or region or want to give an account of your past experiences.
  • Get in touch with other bike tour people through social media: Previously we have had a very active facebook page, however we have the aim to move towards means of communications based on as much FLOSsy programs and online tools as possible, and to encourage social media users to use alternatives to stop supporting problematic transnational media corporations. We are using an instance of ELGG on a private server for the planning and discussions since March 2014, if you want to get more involved with the Biketour write to us and we’ll send you the link to join.
  • Email directly to the international coordinators and core group: info[[_at_]]ecotopiabiketour[[_dot_]]net
  • Use the contact form: Basically the same as emailing us – you just don’t have to open your email interface for that.

Phone the biketour on the following phone(s):

  • +49 1578 4844802
  • +375 336673591 (in Belarus, until July 13)

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