How we organise

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The Biketour is organised by a voluntary group of Biketour advocates and participants new and old, who mainly operate on a mailing list and on the Biketour wiki. Each year a few people step up to do the larger portion of coordination for a few months on location in the area of the upcoming biketour while being assisted by people contributing online from various parts of the world or at shorter term visits.

Other points on how we usually ‘roll’ (organise) …but we are open and flexible for other ideas!

  • We are not an official organisation, but an informal group of dedicated cycle activists
  • We usually have a yearly Winter/Spring Meeting, somewhere in Europe to plan the following summer’s tour
  • We are also planning to introduce an Autumn Meeting to allow time for discussions on wider issues such as BT as a whole
  • We have voluntary coordinators (has been 2 in recent years but could be more) each year that are selected by consensus usually at the end of the summer tour or at the Autumn Meetings
  • We try to secure a small living allowance for the coordinators / and BT costs
  • The theme for the next year’s tour develops and is discussed on the tour, and through the mailing lists
  • The location of the organising base depends each year on who could host our desk space, which organisation we might want to work with, and which areas we might want to cross on the route
  • Being organised like this, we communicate through different means and media, which you can read about here

Check out the Get Involved page for ways to help / contribute / collaborate and initiate!

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