Ecotopia Biketour is a self-organized environmental and social activist bicycle tour that has been cycling through different parts of Europe each summer since 1990. On our way we visit social and environmental projects and groups, to learn about their struggles and visions, to exchange knowledge, to create connections and to support them by participating in actions or doing some physical work. Read more about what the Ecotopia Biketour is.
Ecotopia Biketour 2017 will go through Germany, France and may be to Switzerland and eastern Spain. A more specific route will be announced on the website as soon as it is decided. If you have some recommendations for projects, groups and events for us to visit on the way or would like to help preparing the tour, write to 2017@ecotopiabiketour.net. Read more about Ecotopia Biketour 2017.
Latest blog posts
Biketour a la côte d’Albanie

mardi 21 juillet reveil avec vue sur les bunkers a moitie immerges, petit dejeuner de spaghettis de la veille et depart tout en douceur, entre sable et Air (fond sonore grace a Nils) sur la `plage generale` menant a Durres suivi d un rapide virage vers la route principale… les carioles et le sable ne font pas bon menage,,,, mais les camions la poussiere et les travaux ne nous rejouissent pas plus….nous revoila jettes dans l enfer urbain et je regrette le calme du bord de mer… l entree a Durres n est pas non plus relaxante… nous slalomons entre…
Biketour update for 2009-07-23
Thursday we promote with ECAT bikelanes of Tirana. Meet up@11@Tiran # a-Durrës autostrada #
Biketour update for 2009-07-21
Were in Durrës. Tonite at 8 film screening on TEC Porto Romano #
Fryma e ajrit të pastër
Ne jemi Ecotopia Bike Tour, një grup mderkombëtar nga 11 vende, që qarkullojmë nëpër Ballkan. Qëllimi ynë ëstlitë të rrisim ndërgjegjësimin mjedisor. Elbasani ëslitë qyteti më i ndotur i Ballkanit Perëndimor. Kjo ndotje ka shumë pasoja për popullsinë këtu dhe shëndetin e tyre. Tre operatorë të mëdhenj, i çelikut, çimentos dhe ferrokromit shkaketojnë ndotjen me të madhe dhe nuk zbatojne ligjin mjedisor shqiptar.