Links #7: Futuristic bus, Pool noodle, TVs on bike packages, Lorries in London, Critical Mass arrests in Minsk

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar. Der Inhalt wird unten in einer verfügbaren Sprache angezeigt. Klicken Sie auf den Link, um die aktuelle Sprache zu ändern. Futuristic Chinese Bus Concept Cyclist says his pool noodle makes Toronto streets safer for him Bike manufacturer sees huge reduction in delivery damage by printing TV on the box Thousands of lorries to be banned from London for cyclist safety Minsk: Court sentences Critical Mass cycling event arrestee to 2 years in jail

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Biketour in Helsinki (last year)

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar. Der Inhalt wird unten in einer verfügbaren Sprache angezeigt. Klicken Sie auf den Link, um die aktuelle Sprache zu ändern. The first two of us arrived on the 15th of September in Helsinki like planned, but only at 2 in the morning. In the end the 10 of us that remained arrived in about 6 groups spread over the next 4 days. Some people had decided to stay a bit longer in Tampere, but some wanted to arrive in Helsinki on time, so the group split in two. The first group split…

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Biketour in Tampere (last year)

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar. Der Inhalt wird unten in einer verfügbaren Sprache angezeigt. Klicken Sie auf den Link, um die aktuelle Sprache zu ändern. On the 11th of September, we arrived in Tampere. Our sleeping place was the social and art centre Hirvitalo. Tampere is a city surrounded by lakes, and on one of them, really close to Hirvitalo, some people had built a floating sauna with a glass roof from which you can see across the lake. The highlight was when we saw the northern lights over the lake while having a sauna. There was…

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Biketour in Turku (last year)

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar. Der Inhalt wird unten in einer verfügbaren Sprache angezeigt. Klicken Sie auf den Link, um die aktuelle Sprache zu ändern. On the 4th of September, we arrived in Turku. Our main base was Pyöräpaja Vapaa Ratas, a bike workshop that sells old bike parts and fixed-up bikes on a regular bike flea market (from the money, the rent is paid) and where people can also come to fix their bikes or have them fixed. It is in Aurinkotehdas, an old bicycle factory that is now used for different social projects, such as…

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