Winter meeting (2016)

Февраль 20, 2016 – Февраль 21, 2016 весь день Europe/Berlin Часовой пояс

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Mark your calendars for the Winter Meeting, which will take place on Saturday, February 20th and Sunday, the 21st in Anton-Schmaus-Haus in Berlin! See below for instructions how to get there.

During those two days, we’ll discuss and make necessary decisions about the general route, which projects sound interesting to visit, and whether we go to Russia or Belarus and how to sort out the visa situation. We will work together to create flyers, posters and stickers to advertise the tour and discuss about our values and how to implement them. The agenda can be found on the Wiki. We encourage you to participate in the discussions knowing that there is no obligation to take over a lot of tasks in the process.

We will be there from about Friday 8 pm and we can sleep there, but if you want to sleep there, you have to bring a sleeping bag and a mat. If you don’t have that with you, please contact us, as we might lend you one. On Saturday and Sunday, we will be having discussions and eat together from about 11 am to 8 pm. Some of us will leave on Sunday evening, some on Monday morning, and some will stay with friends until Wednesday to get some work done.

If you cannot afford the travel costs to the meeting, we have the possibility to pay them for you.

We want to get as many people involved in the process, so please spread the word. From seasoned veterans to curious newcomers – everyone is welcome! It would be convenient for us if you could announce to if you are coming.

How to find us

The meeting will happen in Anton-Schmaus-Haus at Gutschmidtstraße 37, Berlin. It is next to the U-Bahn station Britz Süd on the U7 in the south-east of the city.

In Berlin there are two types of metros, the S-Bahn and the U-Bahn. The S-Bahn is depicted by a white S in a green circle, the U-Bahn has a white U in a blue square. To get to Britz Süd, you need a ticket for the zones AB. All tickets are valid on all forms of transportation. The single ticket is called Einzelfahrschein and is valid for 2 hours. You can have a look at the metro map here, but you will also find it on every metro and on every station. The central station is called Hauptbahnhof (a bit north-west of the centre of the map), the central bus station is at Messe Nord/ICC in the west of the circle line. If you arrive by train or IC Bus, it might be worth checking if your train stops at Südkreuz in the south of the circle line, as it will be much closer to Britz Süd.

Anton-Schmaus-Haus is only about 300 metres from the metro station, but it can be a bit tricky to find, so note down well how to get there. Exit the station Britz Süd to the South, and you will be standing on a big road looking towards a big shop called Kaufland. Turn right and walk along the main road until on the forest starts, and turn left on a foot-path into the forest (Google Street View). You follow that path straight for 100 metres and you will find a fenced red building on the right. This is where we are.

We will hopefully be reachable under our usual number, +49 1578 4844802.

Один комментарий

  1. hallo menschen,

    ich bin anja und überlege, dieses jahr mit durch’s baltikum zu fahren. von einer freundin in riga habe ich mir schon einige adressen geben lassen und sammle weiter, auch mitfahrer*innen :)

    ich engagiere mich bei der nachbarschaftsinitiative weddingwandler für mehr miteinander, grünes wirtschaften, teilen, recyclen und so was.

    im ersten halbjahr dürfen wir kostenlos die räume des veranstaltungsraums «wettbureau» nutzen. muss ich nur vorher beim team anmelden und gucken, ob am 20 und 21. die räume frei sind. es gibt viel platz (90qm), ne küche, ne tafel, strom und wahrscheinlich auch wlan. hier ein erster eindruck: oder hier:

    sagt bescheid, dann kümmere ich mich.

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