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Based on a key decision of 2012, a major goal for 2013 is to move towards a set of information and communication technology tools, which allow us to own our data, and not “feed” transnational corporations, whilst protecting ourselves and others against surveillance, and empowering future generations of the incredible and usable Free Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) “alternatives” online.

While for some people, data safety, privacy and conscious online communication has always been an issue – for others it is simply not considered.

For ecotopiabiketour it seems paradox. If we use bikes instead of cars, eat tofu instead of hamburgers, drink water instead of coke, cook communally instead of passing by the next McDonald’s, visit grassroots communities and selforganised groups instead of shiny corporations: Why would we not act as “consciously” online?

Here is a page with further arguments for FLOS biketour ICTs, including films, articles and other people discussing the issue.

We have also began a page of FLOSS tools – Feel free to add your recommendations and knowledge about the suggested tools there!

If you are already a FLOSS’y geek that might be able to help BT improve this aim or provide support – we would love to hear from you!

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